As the saying goes, “The only constant in life is change.” The extent of that change and how it unfolds can vary, sometimes feeling fairly minor and other times throwing us completely off balance, shaking the foundation of who we believe ourselves to be. When change happens, you may feel unsure of how to move forward. I have experienced this many times, and I’ve come to both respect the challenges it presents and appreciate the growth it brings. I hope to share some of that wisdom with you today. This week, episode 224 of the Positively Living Podcast is about figuring out your next steps after big life shifts. 

In this episode of the Positively Living Podcast, I discuss the journey of self-awareness and self-discovery that needs to come after a big life shift and give you actionable steps to take right now to keep moving forward confidently.

The topics I cover in this episode include:

  • Lack of self-identity is a main contributor to feeling unsure of what to do next after a big change. 
  • How self-reflection and self-discovery are essential to define your next steps. 
  • Five tips to apply to this self-reflection journey: giving yourself time to grieve, reflecting and connecting to what matters to you, exploring and experimenting with new options, seeking support, and embracing the journey (and the imperfections that come with it). 

You are not alone in this. We all go through seasons of change in our lives and I am here to cheer you on and encourage you to take those next steps needed to heal and move forward. 

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  And don’t forget to follow, rate, and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!

Learn more about Positively Living and Lisa at

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(Find links to books/gear on the Positively Productive Favorites Page.)

PLP: Pay Attention, Find Your Purpose with Michelle Perry

PLP: Authenticity in Life and Business with Mallory Schlabach

Dance Song Playlist V1, V2, V3

Music by Ian and Jeff Zawrotny

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