Have you ever uttered the phrase “If I could just get organized”? Or maybe you’ve simply described yourself as being overwhelmed or lacking focus when you enter a room? That’s why episode 35 of The Positively Living Podcast is about organizing a space you love!
In this episode of The Positively Living Podcast, Crystal Nerpel and I share the importance of organizing your space so that it best suits you and we offer actionable steps you can take right now to declutter.
Do you find yourself procrastinating? Feeling stuck or utterly overwhelmed? Want to make a change, but not even sure where to start? Let’s get you unstuck and moving again in just 30 minutes with a Productivity Boost Session. Go to www.positivelyproductive.com/offer and use the promo code PODCAST to get support and try out coaching for $97.
Crystal is a coach who specializes in helping people declutter, de-stress and simplify their lives. For the past 3 1/2 years she’s owned and operated Cloud Nine Organizing. Her experience with working alongside her clients has allowed her to see, first hand, the heavy toll clutter can take on someone’s well-being. She works with clients through a coaching model that puts all the power into her clients’ hands. She focuses on her clients while they focus on the tasks of decluttering and organizing. Crystal offers one-on-one coaching through Cloud Nine Organizing and runs a small, intimate mastermind group.
Today, she shares how important it is to recognize both how you currently feel and how you want to feel when you walk into your home. We also talk about how to close that gap and love the home you have right now by decluttering and organizing. It’s amazing how the physical shifts can make a difference. You know that feeling when you get a space — even a small space — organized and you breathe easier? That’s what we both help you do for all your spaces. In our conversation today, we also talk about managing our own expectations as we can frequently be dissatisfied due to comparison. In the case of our homes, networks like HGTV and social media platforms like Pinterest are often the biggest culprits.
Crystal and I have a similar approach, as you’ll hear right away, though our clients differ. No matter your challenge, the place to start is values. Our conversion covers where to start and what to do with that information. Crystal recommends the book The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul as a helpful place to explore your core values. You can also access the Core Values worksheet in my free resources library. That’s a super simple place to start right away.
In this episode we cover the symptoms you experience of being out of alignment with your values and how clutter plays into that, as well as what you’ll experience after you declutter. Hint: It has to do with reduction in stress. The feelings that come up through the whole process may surprise you, but if you are clear in what you value and the purpose of the space you’re working on, you will make your way through it to the place where you breathe easier and it feels right. The key is doing it in a way that makes sense for YOU — and that should sound familiar because I say that often. Crystal and I cover that and encourage you to do so with both decisions on what to keep and where to keep it.
If you are ready to declutter and organize your home and would like help, you have options. You can j ok oin Crystal’s “Loving Your Home” Club, which focuses on family and physical space and is held via video meetings. This is a smaller group and space is limited. You can apply on her website cloudnineorganizing.com
If you’re looking to declutter and organize not only your physical space but your mental as well, the Positively Living Membership Community may be the place for you. I work with the multi-passionate multi-taskers so if you are involved in many things and love to learn and explore but need accountability and guidance, then join me there. It’s community and coaching in a convenient and affordable way for under $20/month. Go to positivelyproductive.com/membership and click to join.
Are you ready to be inspired to declutter and organize?
Thank you for listening! Be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive tons of practical tips to create space for what really matters in your life
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The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul
Positively Productive Free Resources
Music by Ian and Jeff Zawrotny