Acknowledging trauma and seeking help is not a weakness, but rather the most courageous thing that you can do for yourself. That’s why episode 68 of The Positively Living Podcast is about mental health for men!
In this episode of The Positively Living Podcast, my guest Tim Beisiegel shares the importance of normalizing mental health, specifically for men, and offers actionable steps you can take right now to acknowledge your trauma and open yourself up to seeking help.
Tim and I cover the following topics:
- Tim’s life experiences from childhood leading up to his daughter being hospitalized for 97 days and how that led him to advocating for mental health and normalizing seeking help.
- The ways in which society’s perception surrounding men’s vulnerability is extremely toxic and dates back farther than we recognize.
- Having conversations on the topic of mental health is the number one way in which we can reverse the stigma and normalize mental health for all.
- The difference between acknowledging and accepting your trauma versus deflecting your trauma.
- Trusting the process to find the right counselor for you to open the door for these difficult conversations and set your heavy emotions free.
It’s time that we not only support men seeking counseling and therapy but that we encourage it.
Thank you for listening! Be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive tons of practical tips to create space for what really matters in your life.
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Authors: Melody Beattie, Anne Lamott, Brene Brown
Episode 4 The Power of Gratitude
Episode 7 The Impact of Stress and How to Manage it for Good
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Episode 29 Trauma-Informed Life with Mallory Jackson
Dance Song Playlist Volume 1 & Volume 2
Music by Ian and Jeff Zawrotny